REAP Granada
Velocity's primary missions project, REAP Granada, is focused on Christ centered community development in Granada, Nicaragua.
REAP Granada is focused on creating true disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ by engaging in Christ centered community development. Through living life together in community, our goal is to demonstrate the love of God and to not only teach the Word of God, but to model the life of a believer in community. As a result, our ministry is designed to interface as much as possible with the people whom we are serving and teaching. We spend 4,5 and even 6 days a week together.
In order to accomplish this, we purposely create multiple “touchpoints” each week within the different facets of community. We not only worship together and study God’s Word together, but we play sports together, we gather at our house, and their houses. We visit the jail and the hospital. We provide work and work together. We spend as much time together, in as many different ways as possible. As a result, we are able to not only teach the word of God, but we are able to demonstrate the humility, love, forgiveness and unity required to create true disciples of Christ and maintain a vibrant community.
We can’t do this alone. We long for the unity of the body Jesus talks about in John 17. We partner with local pastors who have a shepherd’s heart, desire for unity in the body, and are already established in the community. We seek to equip and empower these local leaders, as well as raising up new ones, to pastor and serve their neighbors effectively.